
Why Having A Dream Is Not Enough

You have a dream for the future. Only by sharing that dream can you turn that dream into reality through a shared vision.

Walt Disney had a huge dream of building a park where families could have a great time together in a clean environment. Disney struggled with financing as bankers didn’t look at his dreams as collateral. He turned to friends and to the public. By sharing his dream with many people, he made his vision a reality, Disneyland. 

Like Disney, you can inspire others to believe in your big dreams. First, you must think long and hard about your vision of the future. Think big and don’t limit yourself as to what is possible or not possible. Open your mind to everything and think long-term.

1.Think about how your vision reflects who you are and how it impacts others. The closer to your heart your vision is, the more passionate you will be when you speak about it and the more inspired people will be to follow you.

2. Once your vision is clear in your mind, begin discussing your vision with other people. Discuss it with anyone and everyone who will listen. The more you discuss your vision with others, the clearer your vision will be.

3. Listen to what others have to say about your vision. Not everyone will agree with you, or agree with the way you want to reach your vision, though through listening, your mind will open to new ideas.

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Communicate your vision well and you will have a team that will follow you eagerly towards your dream.

4. As you discuss details and specifics, your vision will change, evolve, and grow. Don’t become a slave to your initial dream. Keep your vision flexible to stay current and relevant to what is happening around you.

5. Work together with your team to develop goals and plans to reach your vision. Stay involved with decisions and details. The more involved your team is with you, the greater sense of ownership your team will have towards your vision.

What is your vision? Begin thinking about and discussing it with others today.

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