Career, Leadership, Marketing

Negative Review Getting You Down?

Have a negative review on social media?

Gone are the days that an unhappy customer had to speak with lots of people to get word around of their unsatisfactory experience. Today, a customer can stand in your too long line and post on social media about how long they’re waiting, the terrible service, or wishing they were anywhere else. Their thoughts are immediately put on-line for everyone searching your business to see.

What do I do? I found a negative review!

No one likes to hear complaints about their service or products. After all, we think we are doing the best we can. However, it’s through complaints that give the opportunity for people and businesses to grow, adapt, and change for the better. Keep this in mind when responding to a complaint. Make a conscious decision to address and fix the problem to alleviate similar problems in the future.

Customers expect their problems to be solved immediately and questions answered quickly. It’s imperative for your business to respond to customer complaints as quickly as possible. Burying your head in the sand and ignoring what people say about your business on-line is stagnant thinking.

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Show customers you are proactive with a negative review.

When marketing your business, address the issues brought up in negative reviews directly. A direct response shows your customers how you can solve their problems quickly and efficiently. This not only counters the negative review, but also establishes a strong connection with your customers.

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Consistency is how a business keeps customers.

Customers continue to expect the same great service you gave them the first time, and each time after that. Customers are quick to turn their loyalty to another company if you can’t give them the service and speed in which they have become accustomed.

Think about how a negative review will provide a goldmine of valuable insight that can enhance your product or service. They spotlight areas where you need to improve.  They show you the aspects of your business that might not be meeting customer expectations.

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Negative reviews build credibility and trust especially if they are addressed right away.

Viewing a business that has too many blatantly unrealistic positive reviews can make consumers suspicious. No business is absolutely perfect. As a business owner, you want to have a balanced blend of positive and negative reviews. They give your business authenticity and transparency, which are highly valued by today’s consumers.

Gather negative reviews and use them for creating your marketing messages. They provide insights into customer frustrations and help you to adapt and to put together narratives that resonate deeply with your customers.

Lastly, a negative review gives your business an opportunity to showcase your customer service. Responding to negative reviews in a quick, respectful and helpful manner can turn an unsatisfied customer into a loyal one. Your response can also impress potential customers.

The Take-away

  1. Be active on social media and know what people are saying about your business.
  2. Review social media frequently looking for posts about your business.
  3. Respond to negative posts or reviews immediately.
  4. Try to rectify the issue or complaint by posting on the same social media channel and contacting the customer directly.
  5. Acknowledge positive reviews.

Negative reviews can be unsettling. View them through the lens of opportunity and use the principles of marketing wisdom. Negative reviews can be transformed into stepping stones to success.

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