Though many leaders have heard of empowerment, there were still those who struggle with actually handing over the reins. Related: Are You an Effective Leader? It is not uncommon for a leader to feel insecure causing them to cling to familiarity as it is what they know best. However, insecurity can also force leaders to keep information and skills to…
Tag: leadership
Why Is It Important To Serve Others?
Most of us have experienced leaders who were all about themselves. Using the skills of others to reach their current position and then calling themselves a leader. These leaders who boast about being a leader are often a leader in title only, not a leader of people who chose to follow them willingly. Leadership is not about the position we…
Lack of Curiosity Will Put You Out Of Business
Just last week I had a conversation regarding procedures for a business office. When asked why a business didn’t write phone call information down, he said the conversations were relayed to the necessary person when they saw them. “Didn’t information get lost, forgotten, or mixed up?” I asked. I suggested a phone log with name, phone number and main point…
Workaholic? 10 Steps To Stop Now.
Do you miss out on what is going on with your family and friends? Are you working another late night or Saturday afternoon? Does that thought not bother you? Have you gotten to the point where you look forward to going into work early, staying late, or working weekends. Heck, you’ll work any time, day or night? If you answered…
6 Benefits of Establishing a Routine
We tend to do things in the same way and at the same time each day; whether it’s getting up in the morning, drinking the perfect latte on the way to work, or turning on the computer while we sort through the mail. These routines are familiar and keep us on track each day. As a licensed daycare provider when…
Habits That Ruin Our Productivity
Most of us want to be more productive, but how do we go about getting everything done we need to? Do we sacrifice our productivity to get smaller non-essential tasks done in lieu of the more difficult, larger tasks? Are there activities we unconsciously do each day that make our efficiency drop dramatically? When we think about all the things…
Why Our Personal Values Are Necessary For Success
I first heard of a personal value statement when I was in college. I remember thinking, why would I need a value statement? I had thought value statements were only for businesses. What are personal values? Personal values come from our families, friends, and peers. They have a strong influence on our daily actions and decisions. Though many values are…
How To Tell If You’re A Workaholic
You worked all day and in several hours your project will be complete. Do you take a break for dinner or do you keep working and eat at your desk? Though it’s tempting to keep working, you’re not only hurting yourself but you have a higher chance of making errors on what you are working on. When you don’t take…