
6 Essential Steps to Boost Your Customer Service

In today’s marketplace, customer service is what sets you and your business apart from the rest of your competition. Customer service is more than just filling an order or completing a service. Customer service is how you treat each and every customer that you and your business come in contact with. As customers have many options when looking to purchase…

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Management and Leadership the same, or not?

IS THERE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT? Many people believe management and leadership are the same however, a manager is not necessarily a leader, nor is a leader necessarily a manager. Employees follow a leader but employees work for a manager. Both managers and leaders share similar concepts by: conceptualizing what needs to be done aligning and managing resources…

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Office Management, Productivity

6 Reasons Your Office is in Chaos

You look across a table strewn with magazines, papers, bills, and receipts. After quickly shifting paper from the left side to the right side, you give up and rewrite the customer’s invoice, hoping you are leaving nothing out. As you open the door you recognize a potential client who was meeting you today for an estimate for work you will…

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