Leadership, Productivity

The Important Need For Self-Management Skills

It’s Sunday morning and for the first time this week the humidity is not off the charts. I hear my neighbor across the street mowing his lawn and my other neighbor laughing with friends. Without self-management, I have to admit, I would be outside enjoying this beautiful day too. Sitting here at my desk, I realize the importance of self–management…

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Career, Leadership, Productivity

Workaholic? 10 Steps To Stop Now.

 Do you miss out on what is going on with your family and friends?  Are you working another late night or Saturday afternoon? Does that thought not bother you? Have you gotten to the point where you look forward to going into work early, staying late, or working weekends. Heck, you’ll work any time, day or night? If you answered…

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Culture, Productivity

3 Smart Strategies to Manage Distractions

Each day we work toward completing a specific number of tasks to feel efficient at work. When we don’t get these things accomplished, we feel stressed out and unproductive. Distractions are the number one problem we face in productivity, not just in the office but just getting things done in general. Emails, phone calls, multitasking, working too many hours, and…

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Culture, Productivity

Habits That Ruin Our Productivity

Most of us want to be more productive, but how do we go about getting everything done we need to? Do we sacrifice our productivity to get smaller non-essential tasks done in lieu of the more difficult, larger tasks? Are there activities we unconsciously do each day that make our efficiency drop dramatically? When we think about all the things…

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